Check out the many conversations I've had with folks around the world about anything from how to make the job search process an opportunity for growth to the importance of experimenting and prototyping in our careers. Hope you enjoy the diverse voices and take away some valuable pieces for your own transition journey.
Python Pizza Hamburg 2021 Conference
Dec 11th I spoke at the Python Pizza Conference about how to experience the job search process as an opportunity to grow in confidence and capacity rather than a stressful necessity. Check it out on YouTube (along with over a dozen of other amazing talks) and learn the importance of figuring out what YOU want, focusing on the process not the outcome and treating yourself like your best friend.

You're Not Qualified Podcast with Courtney Heitter
Vulnerability is sexy. Setting goals and understanding how to approach them to avoid overwhelm and optimize success is a valuable skill! Listen to me chatting with Courtney on her 10th episode of You're Not Qualified Podcast as we talk imposter syndrome in your professional life, the secret sauce for confidently pursuing your goals and the best way to spiral (not a dance move but it could be).